Volume: 1, 2022
1st International PhD Student’s Conference at the University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Poland: ENVIRONMENT  – PLANT  – ANIMAL  – PRODUCT

Abstract number: A027

DOI: https://doi.org/10.24326/ICDSUPL1.A027

Published online: 26 April 2022

ICDSUPL, 1, A027 (2022)

Effect of the addition of copper in different forms and doses to a diet in which cellulose is the fiber source on the immune response of rats

Radosław Smagieł1*, Aleksandra Marzec1, Magdalena Krauze1, Iwona Sembratowicz1, Bartosz Fotschki2, Katarzyna Ognik1

1 Department of Biochemistry and Toxicology, Faculty of Animal Science and Bioeconomy, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Akademicka 13, 20–950 Lublin, Poland

2 Division of Food Science, Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Tuwima 10, 10-748 Olsztyn, Poland

* Corresponding author: radoslaw.smagiel@up.lublin.pl


One of the paramount dietary components is fibre, and its type play a crucial role in the assimilation and then physiological activity of Cu-NP. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of Cu nanoparticles in the dose recommended for the commonly used form of copper CuCO3 and in a dose twice as high on the immune system of rats fed a diet based on cellulose. Rats were fed for 6 weeks with a standard diet in which the source of fiber is cellulose with the addition of two forms of Cu: Cu-NP or CuCO3 and two doses of Cu (recommended and twice as high; diets 6.5 and 13 mg/kg). Blood was collected from 10 rats from the group for the determination of immunological parameters: tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α), interleukin 6 (IL-6), interleukin 2 (IL-2), acute phase protein (CRP), ceruloplasmin (Cp) and immunoglobulins IgA, IgM, IgY. Regardless of the Cu dose used, the addition of Cu nanoparticles to rats’ diets decreased the levels of TNF-α, as well as IgA and IgM immunoglobulins. Increasing the dose of Cu in the diet of rats from 6.5 to 13 mg/kg, regardless of the form of this element used, decreased the level of CRP, Cp and IgM and increased the level of IL-2. The experimental treatments had no effect on the level of pro-inflammatory IL-6. It was found that compared to the commonly used form of Cu, copper nanoparticles, especially when used in a higher dose – 13 mg/kg as an addition to a diet containing cellulose – a source of fiber, stimulate the immune system of rats more strongly and may have anti-inflammatory effects.

This work was supported by the National Science Centre, Grant No. 2021/41/B/NZ9/01104.

How to cite

R. Smagieł, A. Marzec, M. Krauze, I. Sembratowicz, B. Fotschki, K. Ognik, 2022. Effect of the addition of copper in different forms and doses to a diet in which cellulose is the fiber source on the immune response of rats. In: 1st International PhD Student’s Conference at the University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Poland: Environment – Plant – Animal – Product. https://doi.org/10.24326/ICDSUPL1/A027

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