Volume: 1, 2022
1st International PhD Student’s Conference at the University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Poland: ENVIRONMENT  – PLANT  – ANIMAL  – PRODUCT

Abstract number: P015

DOI: https://doi.org/10.24326/ICDSUPL1.P015

Published online: 26 April 2022

ICDSUPL, 1, P015 (2022)

Effectiveness of functionalized materials in promoting crop yield and quality

Lidia Marcińska-Mazur1*, Renata Jarosz1, Michał Juda1, Jakub Mokrzycki1, Justyna Szerement1, and Monika Mierzwa-Hersztek1

1Department of Mineralogy, Petrography and Geochemistry, AGH University of Science and Technology, Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland

* Corresponding author: marcinsk@agh.edu.pl


Nowadays, the quality and health of the soil with the addition of various organic and mineral materials are of great interest to a wide range of researchers around the world. The plant growth and development are largely determined by the availability of all macro- and microelements. Although each of the nutrients has specific functions to perform in the plant, at the same time these components interact with each other, influencing the proper course of various processes. The study aimed to evaluate the effect of fertilization with addition of mineral-organic mixture which contains lignite and leonardite combined with zeolite-vermiculite composite on the quality and plant yield. The scheme of a 2-years pot experiment included 10 treatments carried out in 4 replications: C: control soil without any fertilizers; MF: soil with only mineral fertilizers NPK; Formulation I: soil with addition of 3% of lignite and 3% of zeolite-vermiculite composite (NaX-Ver); Formulation II: soil with addition of 6% of lignite and 3% of NaX-Ver; Formulation III: soil with addition of 3% of leonardite and 3% of NaX-Ver; Formulation IV: soil with addition of 6% of leonardite and 3% of NaX-Ver; Formulation V: soil with addition of 3% of lignite and 3% of zeolite-carbon composite (NaX-C); Formulation VI: soil with addition of 6% of lignite and 3% of NaX-C; Formulation VII: soil with addition of 3% of leonardite and 3% of NaX-C; Formulation VIII: soil with addition of 6% of leonardite and 3% of NaX-C. The test plants were spring wheat and spring oilseed rape. Our results indicated that fertilization with addition of mineral-organic mixture increased the yield of spring wheat and spring oilseed rape. The highest total yield of spring wheat after 2-years of pot experiment was obtained with addition Formulation VII, Formulation VIII and occurred with the use of only mineral fertilization. While the highest total yield of spring oilseed rape after 2-years of pot experiment was obtained with addition Formulation II and Formulation VIII. Based on the results it was demonstrated, that both the type and the dose of the mineral-organic mixtures used in experiment had a significant effect on the quality and yield of plants.

How to cite

L. Marcińska-Mazur, R. Jarosz, M. Juda, J. Mokrzycki, J. Szerement, M. Mierzwa-Hersztek, 2022. Effectiveness of functionalized materials in promoting crop yield and quality. In: 1st International PhD Student’s Conference at the University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Poland: Environment – Plant – Animal – Product. https://doi.org/10.24326/ICDSUPL1/P015

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