Volume: 2, 2023
2nd International PhD Student’s Conference at the University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Poland:

Abstract number: E009

DOI: https://doi.org/10.24326/ICDSUPL2.E009

Published online: 19 April 2023

ICDSUPL, 2, E009 (2023)

Circular economy for sustainable development: An environmental perspective

Cihan Çalıkoğlu1*

1 Department of Economics and Economic Policy in Agribusiness, Faculty of Economics, Poznan University of Life Sciences; Wojska Polskiego 28, 60-637 Poznań, Poland

* Corresponding author: cihan.calikoglu@up.poznan.pl


Circular economy (CE) has significant environmental, economic, and social benefits at the global scale. It is a paradigm for economic development and a policy initiative. CE concept attracts increasing attention of governments, scholars, and companies, as a necessary step to achieve sustainable development. Various policy instruments adopted to promote resource efficiency, eco-design, and waste management exist in the EU. The concepts behind CE consist: sustainable and eco-design, energy and material efficiency measures, strategies defined within the three-R’s waste hierarchy (reduce-reuse-recycle), business innovation, etc. The impacts or benefits generated by these circular strategies are often measured through the use of circularity metrics. In the transition to a more CE from a linear economy, monitoring the most important trends and patterns is key to understanding how the various elements of the CE are developing and have developed over time. This study is planned as follows section 1 introduction. Section 2 elaborates literature review including current state and its benefits along with promoting and managing of CE. Section 3 contains data reviews such as circular material use rate, persons employed in CE, and sustainable development index to show CO2. Section 4 explains the conclusions and recommendations. The CE approach in the EU reflects sustainable development components and affects positively the CE indicators. CE evaluation system should indicate results that could be used by decision makers. This paper analyzes how circular economy concept correlated and affects sustainable development components along with literature and data perspectives. Increasing the emphasis on the CE could bring significant environmental and economic benefits. In the EU circular economy evaluation systems and methodology are still developing. The CE concept highlights the notion of replacing the ‘end-of-life’ in current production and consumption practices by reducing, reusing, and recycling products and materials in production, distribution, and consumption processes. Promoting circularity aims to accomplish sustainable development, and the circular economy has links to many of the Sustainable Development Goals approved by the UN. CE presents vast opportunities for the economic indicators such as employment, new markets and minimizing pollution, carbon emission and waste.

How to cite

C. Çalıkoğlu, 2023. Circular economy for sustainable development: An environmental perspective. In: 2nd International PhD Student’s Conference at the University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Poland: Environment – Plant – Animal – Product. https://doi.org/10.24326/ICDSUPL2.E009

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