Volume: 2, 2023
2nd International PhD Student’s Conference at the University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Poland:

Abstract number: E029

DOI: https://doi.org/10.24326/ICDSUPL2.E029

Published online: 19 April 2023

ICDSUPL, 2, E029 (2023)

Coating fertilizers of the future of agriculture

Łukasz Rusek1*

1 Department of Agricultural and Environmental Chemistry, University of Life Sciences in Lublin,  Akademicka 13, 20-950 Lublin, Poland

* Corresponding author: lukasz.rusek@up.lublin.pl


Agriculture is one of the most important branches of the economy that provides us with the food we need to survive. One of the important elements of plant cultivation is the use of appropriate fertilizers that increase yields and improve the quality of crops. In recent years, coated fertilizers, which are the future of agriculture, have been increasingly used. Coated fertilizers are an exceptionally innovative solution in the field of plant fertilization. Their main advantage is to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the preparations used. The coating that covers the fertilizer granules protects them from external factors, such as moisture or temperature. Thanks to this, nutrients are released slowly and evenly, which has a positive effect on the development of the plant and minimizes fertilizer losses. The benefits of using coated fertilizers are numerous. First of all, thanks to them, plants receive a dose of nutrients at a pace that is convenient for them. With the increase in temperature and humidity, the coating gradually dissolves, releasing the substances contained in it. Thanks to this, plants are not exposed to food shock, which often negatively affects their condition. In Poland, the agricultural sector is of great importance – it accounts for about 3% of the country’s GDP, and at the same time covers over 60% of the territory of Poland. In this context, the use of coated fertilizers is particularly important. Thanks to them, farmers can achieve better results in their crops, which leads to higher productivity and better profits. To sum up, coated fertilizers are the future of agriculture. Their innovative solutions allow for a controlled supply of nutrients to plants, which has a positive effect on their development and minimizes the effects of food shock. In addition, coated fertilizers are definitely environmentally friendly, which has a positive impact on ecology throughout the country. Ultimately, however, the greatest benefit of using them is better crop performance, which translates into more food for all of us.

How to cite

Ł. Rusek, 2023. Coating fertilizers of the future of agriculture. In: 2nd International PhD Student’s Conference at the University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Poland: Environment – Plant – Animal – Product. https://doi.org/10.24326/ICDSUPL2.E029

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